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How help your child to develope imagination

2015-12-08 17:14:20 Website Name Read

How help your child to develope imagination

Imagination is one of the most precious ability of children. People always lost this ability little by little when they grew. Because of this reason, developing and holding children's imagination become a important task for the parents. Now that we give some suggestion.

1.Reading with children

Parents can choose the books with colourful and varied in postures pictures. The children can try to reading the pictures and make up stories by themselves. At the same time, parents can make  the role playing with their children.

touch pen read

2.Use  the plasticene to create different forms thing.

The plasticene is easy to be made into any form.Children can use it to create fancy thing in their mind.

English reading pen

3.Make a snowman

In winter, parents can play with their children outdoors. Just like making the plasticene, making snowman can also arouse the interest of children to create something. Their imagination can be developed at this time.

talking machine

4.Paper folding

Paper folding is also a simple activity that children can play at home. This is almost the most secure and most healthy game for the little child.

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TAG:  learning machine  English learning  reading pen 
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